Friday, February 19, 2010

random thoughts

what comes to your mind everytime you sit at a corner. just doing nothing. but to just sit there. stationary. whattaya think?
do you think of the past or the future? do you think of your mistakes and make it pull you down?
do you cry when you think of those hurtful times? wishing you could just be perfect. not doing anything wrong? wouldnt you think that being perfect is something that'll bore people?
would it? isn't perfection what everybody wants? dont you think? do you regret? when you look back to your past? all the tears rolling down your cheeks. your heart feels heavy. your heart keeps beating very fast. you're not able to breath. your head just feels like it wants to explode. or are you ever prepared for the future? whenever you're trying to do something. you'd have to be careful?
be cautious. cause everyone is actually waiting for you to fall. and when you do fall. what do they do?
they start opening they're mouths. go on spreading whatsoever shits they have just to pull anyone down? cant you see? that this life? well you know what? cant you just look in the mirror? what goes around comes around. ever heard of that before? damn right of course everyone's heard it. but does anyone imply it? hardly? right? uhuh. yeah. well here i am. in my room. lying down with my lappy. blogging? i have nothing to do but to just think? is thinking a bad thing? people always say to not feel so hurt you speak it out. but when you do speak it out. what happens? does it stay? no no. it goes on and on and on. i do sound like im talking crap now. but oh well. in life. there are reasons why things happen right? and when you do wana move on. can you? does it hurt to move on? wouldnt it hurt? to leave all those moemories aside and pretend you can forget that one particular person? try it. its "fun". going to places that brings you memories. thoughts. pictures. tears. sadness. burden. heartache. sacrifices. wow. thats like really one pianful fairytale. aite? everyone has goals in their life. excluding those dushbags. that have no life. "lepaking" their asses on the streets. living their life like they have no life. i mean. come to think of it. dont they ever think of their future? bak kata pepatah. susah dahulu, senang kemudian? yeah. live life the hard way. not the easy way. but why hard first?? why struggle to get what we really want? thats totally a bonus question.
gotta go!
lotsa love,
~baby lyn~

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