Saturday, February 6, 2010

cheers to nathaniel and marvin!

yes. it is his very special day!

nathaniel aubrey russell

so guess what?
we held a birthday gathering for him.
at my crib!!
the imh peers gathered at my crib.
the food was delicious.
everyone had happy tummy..
everyone was glad that everyone could make it..
well actually not everyone.. but we're still grateful
that the others could make it..
it was a usual gathering..
but it was special to nat..

yeah. this was part of it.
this is the FARMVILLE groupie!
they just love "farmvilling"..
after eating and all the cleaning up..
whattaya think??
it was time for the cake!
special thanks to nicole for the
delicious cake that everybody was
really satisfied with it. definitely when there is cake what happens?
chaos! of course! well. i apologize for starting the cake war. its just me. those icky sticky cream all over your face? uhuh. that's what im talking about. yeah. pictures of "happenings" in the house. goodness. everyone must feel kiddish eyh? running around. trying
to avoid from the cream attack. hehe.

disgusting right? or is it fun? anyway
after all the cream attack when everyone got "creamed". not exactly everyone. michelle ran outta the house!! whattaya know? i know right? she actually escaped and went outta my house and stayed outside!!
never fear! nelson is here! yeah.
nelson did manage to whip the cream on michelle's face! yay him!
unfortunately, he didnt win the war. when he was about to clean his face,
in the toilet.. i repeat in the toilet..
michelle and eunice pounced him in the toilet!
it sounded so freaking wrong.
i know right?
forgive me for this awful english of mine.
nevertheless, he couldnt escape. and michelle won the war!!!
tsk tsk tsk.
look at the picture below.
he is just feeling too happy and proud.
coming out from the toilet being raped?
well that was what he said! im just quoting him. everyone. like i said.
really enjoyed the birthday cake.
so tasty. delicious. creamy. nyummy.
need more cake. though it does really add more calories in yer' body.
but it is just so irresistable.
enough of cake. *im so thinking about cake right now but oh well*

see those two monkeys below there? wondering what were they doing eyh? this was what they did. the video shows it all. we were lucky that police weren't patrolling that area!
and chinese new year is just one week away at which it was too early to play! well
nat! this whole night was yours!

yeah! the four of them with dexter! comforting dexter as dexter is a dog like any other dogs that will start whining due to the bim-bam-booming of the fireworks! well nat! we hoped you did enjoy your birthday and made a memorable one for you this year.

happy birthday nat!

[im sorry i had to ruin the photo]
*my bad*


another day as well at which mr marvin was totally surprised. yay! though it was a day after your birthday still we would love to give you a small surprise birthday. this is he. doing his speech for us. thanking us and telling us his wish. thanx mr marvin!

happy birthday mr marvin!
always keep the jazz spirit!

lotsa love,

~baby lyn~

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