Sunday, January 10, 2010


what a

dear God,
i thank You
for waking me up early this morning
to enjoy another beautiful day
thank you
for all the creations that you've created
i thank you
for giving me

family to love
friends to be with
someone to love
i appreciate every one of them
that is in my life..

O God,
i thank You
for the wonderful things you did
you gave me life
that i truly love
and appreciate
you gave me my talent
that i truly adore
and im passionate about it.

dear Lord,
im sorry for the times when i took for granted of my happiness,
i abandoned you
im sorry for the times i forget you
im sorry
that im shallow
only when im down
and in need for help
thats when i call for you.
how selfish am i?
you have always been there for me
even when i feel happy
i am very sorry
i believe you are always there
to guide and guard me
to listen to my prayers
wherever you are
i believe you are the almighty
i thank you so much for everything

Heavenly Father,
its 2010
i am sure
that Babuk is with you now.
do take care of him ok?
i am happy that he is with You.
in his forever Jerusalem.
he doesnt have to suffer anymore
i really miss him.
i do
we all do.
we feel empty inside.
though he isnt with us
yet he is forever in our hearts
words cant describe
how much we do miss him
we would still carry on our traditions Babuk
we miss your presence with us
we miss your laugh
we miss your jokes
we just miss you
but we have to accept it
in the end everybody has to go..
it is difficult to let the person you love
theres a hole in the heart..
what can mend it?
if only there was something to cure the pain eyh?
but life goes on.

dear Lord,
please help us to stay strong.
give us the strength to carry on.
please send my love to Babuk.
he has been a great Babuk, a father and husband to all;
his cucu, his children and to Nenek.
he has really made us proud
i wana make you proud too
to have a cucu like me
you will always be my idol in my life
~eku rindu raek dengen akem, Babuk~

lotsa love,
~baby lyn~

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