Monday, January 28, 2013

new year new me?

hello hello!

omgah! its like what? its been few months since my last update eyh? theres too much to say and woah i dont know where to start! my days been really hectic really ever since ive entered university. its not too late to wish everyone a.

i would have updated my blog from time to time. however theres just too much to do in school. what a bummer! its even worst when you can only update your blog when theres wifi. if only my laptop has 3G. BOOM! 
so three weeks of holiday and what am i planning to do? sit around? lay in bed all day doing nothing? beats me. well i returned home and i knew that my great grandmother just passed on. she will be missed dearly.

new year new me?
please brah! what's the difference? i'll tell you what. being in a university is what ive normally expected and im prepared for it. the peer pressure. the packed schedule. the long distance relationship. the money. when did anybody ever say anything is easy? semester one just past and indeed it was a good experience for the first six months staying in Sabah. Honestly, being there for the first few weeks really was tough. How early i actually need to wake up just to catch the bus. How difficult it is to be patient to those who kept pushing and were impatient to ride the bus. How you were unable to communicate with others on the first few weeks just to adapt yourself to the place. Well I survived and it was a good semester. 
my course mates are really nice people. they really seem nice. my batch is filled with different people of different characters but i see each and everyone of them have their own potential. three years seems long but i guess if we look back it would've been just a short while and all we have are just memories for us to remember but then again we still have our future waiting for us. so why miss the past when we can collect and create more memories no? thus, there isnt a new me though its a new year but i do have visions for myself; to always do the best each and every day and not to waste time. not to worry. ive got three weeks of holiday and definitely i will use all the time i need to update my blog. 

lotsa love,

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